Monday, December 14, 2009

Classroom Management-

"It is probably one of the things that's least understandable and most complex about teaching," said Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers. "This is the hardest skill to master.",0,5354521.story

As a 34 year veteran of a middle school classroom on Long Island, classroom management is the key to success in the classroom. You cannot succeed academically if there is chaos and disruption day to day in your classroom.
 A lot of classroom management comes from how students perceive their teacher as the leader, the adult in charge in the room. What tips can we offer teachers in managing their classrooms folks?

2010 -What now?

Seth Godin , the inimitable writer, blogger and  innovative thinker  has  posed a question to ponder as we end this dizzying year 2009. What now?  Where do we, as a people, go next in this new year, 2010 of political , social and technological change in our country and  the world?  How will we change the situation we are experiencing on so many fronts?

Teachers, retirees,unretirees-how can we all positively affect our worlds? Inquiring minds want to know...

What now?